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Tesla Model Y 2023 Hluav Taws Xob Tsheb Luxure Ntev Ntev

Lub Tsheb Loj

Tesla Model Y 2023 Hluav Taws Xob Tsheb Luxure Ntev Ntev

Tesla Model Y yog qhov nruab nrab SUV tsim los ntawm Tesla. Lub tsheb fais fab no yog tus qauv thib tsib uas tau tsim los ntawm Tesla txij thaum nws tsim xyoo 2003. Nws tau tso tawm hauv Los Angeles thaum Lub Peb Hlis 15, 2019, lub sijhawm Beijing. Muaj plaub tus qauv: tus qauv version, ntev-hlub version, dual-motor full-tsav version thiab kev ua haujlwm version. Lub tsheb tshiab yuav raug xa tawm thaum lub caij nplooj zeeg xyoo 2020 thaum ntxov. Thaum Lub Peb Hlis 15, 2019, Tesla tau tshaj tawm tus qauv Y. Tus qauv qauv yog tus nqi ntawm $ 39,000, thiab cov qauv ntev yog luv nqi ntawm $ 47,000. Tus Qauv Y tus qauv yuav muaj nyob rau lub caij nplooj ntoo hlav xyoo 2021. Thaum Lub Xya Hli 20, 2023, Tesla tau tshaj tawm nws lub tsheb Model Y hauv Malaysia. , kev xa khoom yuav tsum pib thaum ntxov 2024. Lub Yim Hli, Tesla Tuam Tshoj txo tus nqi ntawm qhov ntev thiab kev ua haujlwm siab ntawm Model Y.

    piav 2

      Cov ntsiab lus muag khoom

    • 1.Ntxiv qhov chaw loj

      Model Y yog lub compact fais SUV nrog ib tug tshwj xeeb sab nrauv tsim uas teem nws sib nrug los ntawm ib txwm SUVs. Nws muaj qhov qis, sporty profile nrog lub ru tsev sloping thiab bold pem hauv ntej fascia nrog du, nruam nto thiab tsis muaj ib txwm grille. Qhov no muab lub tsheb kom huv si thiab niaj hnub saib, thaum tseem txhim kho aerodynamics. Tus Qauv Y sab nrauv yog tus cwj pwm los ntawm nws cov kab ntws thiab cov npoo du, nrog lub ntsej muag sculpted thiab fenders, nrog rau cov sculpted sab, ntxiv rau lub tsheb lub sporty tsos. Flush-mounted qhov rooj tuav tau koom ua ke rau hauv lub qhov rooj vaj huam sib luag thiab tuaj yeem txuas ntxiv thaum lub tsheb qhib, muab qhov zoo nkauj, seamless. Qauv Y muaj nyob rau hauv ntau yam xim sab nrauv, suav nrog Pure Black, Pearl White Multicoat, Tsaus Blue Metallic thiab Red Multicoat. Nws tau nruab nrog lub teeb taub hau thiab lub teeb taillights, uas yog ob qho tib si lub zog-npaum thiab muab lub teeb pom kev zoo, thiab 20-nti log muab lub tsheb muaj lub siab tawv thiab kev ua kis las.

    • 2.tsim sab hauv

      Qauv Y lub sab hauv nta ib qho minimalist, niaj hnub tsim nrog cov kab huv si thiab yooj yim, intuitive tswj. Lub alarm yog dav thiab airy, thiab panoramic iav ru tsev muab kev pom zoo thiab kev nkag siab ntawm kev qhib siab. Sab hauv, muaj nyob rau hauv cov xim dub los yog dawb, muaj cov khoom siv zoo tshaj plaws uas suav nrog cov rooj zaum pem hauv ntej thiab lub kauj tsheb uas muaj cua sov. Tus Qauv Y's infotainment system nyob ib ncig ntawm 15-nti touchscreen loj uas muab kev nkag mus rau ntau yam haujlwm, suav nrog kev taw qhia, suab paj nruag, thiab teeb tsa tsheb. Lub infotainment system kuj tau sib xws nrog kev hloov kho huab cua, txhais tau tias nws tuaj yeem txhim kho thiab txhim kho lub sijhawm. Qauv Y muaj qhov dav thiab xis nyob sab hauv nrog lub taub hau thiab ceg ntau chav rau txhua tus neeg nyob, thiab lub cev dav dav thiab lub cev (pem hauv ntej lub cev) muab qhov chaw cia txaus. Nws kuj los nrog lub tswv yim ntawm kev nyab xeeb siab heev, suav nrog Autopilot, uas muab kev pab tsav tsheb tsis muaj tes ntawm txoj kev loj thiab tuaj yeem nres nws tus kheej.

    • 3.Lub zog endurance

      Qhov ntev-ntev version muaj ntau yam ntawm 326 mais ntawm ib qho nqi thiab tuaj yeem mus ntawm 0 txog 60 mph hauv 4.8 vib nas this. Lub Performance version muaj qhov ceev tshaj plaws ntawm 150 mph thiab tuaj yeem mus ntawm 0 txog 60 mph hauv 3.5 vib nas this. Tus Qauv Range version muaj qhov ntev txog 230 mais thiab tuaj yeem mus ntawm 0 txog 60 mph hauv 5.3 vib nas this. Tus Qauv Y nta ob lub tshuab hluav taws xob uas xa cov torque sai thiab du, ntsiag to acceleration. Nws kuj tseem muaj qhov nruab nrab ntawm lub ntiajteb txawj nqus thiab ua kom zoo rau kev tuav zoo thiab kev ruaj ntseg, thiab muaj peev xwm ntawm kev rov tsim dua tshiab, pab kom ncua lub tsheb ntau yam.

    • 4.Kev nyab xeeb

      Qauv Y muaj lub cev muaj zog, lub cev nyhav rau kev tiv thaiv thaum muaj kev sib tsoo. Autopilot: Autopilot yog Tesla qhov kev pabcuam tsav tsheb siab tshaj plaws uas muab kev pabcuam tsav tsheb tsis pub dawb ntawm txoj kev loj thiab tuaj yeem nres tsheb. Advanced airbags: Qauv Y yog nruab nrog cov airbags siab heev, nrog rau pem hauv ntej, sab thiab sab ntaub thaiv npog airbags, los muab kev tiv thaiv ntxiv thaum muaj kev sib tsoo. Kev Tiv Thaiv Kev Sib Tw: Qauv Y muaj ntau yam nta, xws li lub koob yees duab pem hauv ntej, radar thiab ultrasonic sensors, muab kev sib tsoo siab heev thiab kev ceeb toom systems.em, thiab DiPilot ntse kev pab tsav tsheb, uas tuaj yeem muab ntau tshaj kaum kev nyab xeeb. muaj nuj nqi.

    tib 11pblus 2qtesla-qauv-3183mtesla-model-y1wkhtesla xwvlus yq9


      tsheb qauv Tesla Tuam Tshoj Model Y 2022 facelift ntev-ntev tag nrho-log tsav version
      Basic Tsheb Parameters
      qib: lub tsheb nruab nrab
      Lub cev daim ntawv: 5-qhov rooj 5-seat SUV
      Length x dav x qhov siab (mm): 4750x1921x1624
      Wheelbase (mm): 2890 ib
      Hom fais fab: hluav taws xob ntshiab
      Lub zog siab tshaj plaws ntawm lub tsheb (kW): 357 ib
      Qhov siab tshaj plaws torque ntawm lub tsheb (N m): 659 ib
      Kev ceev siab tshaj plaws (km / h): 217
      Official 0-100 acceleration(s): 5
      Lub sij hawm them nqi ceev (teev): 1
      Lub sijhawm them qeeb qeeb (teev): 10
      lub cev
      Ntev (mm): 4 750
      Dav (mm): Xyoo 1921
      Qhov siab (mm): 1624 ib
      Wheelbase (mm): 2890 ib
      Tus naj npawb ntawm qhov rooj (a): 5
      Tus naj npawb ntawm cov rooj zaum (pieces): 5
      Luggage compartment ntim (L): 2158 ib
      Qhov hnyav (kg): Xyoo 1997
      Yam tsawg kawg nkaus hauv av clearance (mm): 167
      hluav taws xob lub cev muaj zog
      Ntshiab hluav taws xob cruising range (km): 615
      Lub cev muaj zog: Pem hauv ntej hlau nplaum / synchronous rear AC / asynchronous
      Tag nrho lub cev muaj zog (kW): 357 ib
      Lub cev muaj zog tag nrho torque (N m): 659 ib
      Number ntawm motors: 2
      Lub cev muaj zog layout: pem + nram qab
      Lub zog siab tshaj plaws ntawm lub cev muaj zog (kW): 137
      Maximum torque ntawm pem hauv ntej lub cev muaj zog (N m): 219
      Lub zog siab tshaj plaws ntawm lub cev muaj zog (kW): 220
      Qhov siab tshaj plaws torque ntawm lub cev muaj zog (N m): 440
      Hom roj teeb: Ternary lithium roj teeb
      Roj teeb muaj peev xwm (kWh): 78.4 ib
      Kev siv hluav taws xob ib 100 km (kWh / 100km): 13.4
      txoj kev them nyiaj: Fast charge + slow charge
      Lub sij hawm them nqi ceev (teev): 1
      Lub sijhawm them qeeb qeeb (teev): 10
      Number of gear: 1
      Gearbox hom: ib leeg ceev hluav taws xob tsheb
      chassis kauj
      Tsav hom: Dual lub cev muaj zog plaub-log tsav
      Hloov cov ntaub ntawv (plaub-log tsav) hom: Hluav taws xob plaub-log tsav
      Lub cev qauv: Unibody
      Lub zog Steering: hluav taws xob pab
      Pem hauv ntej Suspension Hom: Ob chav wishbone ywj siab ncua kev kawm ntawv
      Tsheb Suspension Hom: Multi-link ywj siab ncua kev kawm ntawv
      log nres
      Pem hauv ntej Brake Hom: Ventilated Disc
      Tsheb nres hom: Ventilated Disc
      Chaw nres tsheb nres hom: electronic handbrake
      Pem hauv ntej log specifications: 255/45 R19
      Rear Tire Specifications: 255/45 R19
      Khoom siv hub: aluminium alloy
      Spare log specifications: tsis muaj
      khoom siv kev nyab xeeb
      Airbag rau lub ntsiab / neeg caij tsheb: Main ●/Vice ●
      Pem hauv ntej / nram qab sab airbags: pem hauv ntej ●/back-
      Pem hauv ntej / nram qab lub taub hau curtain cua: Pem hauv ntej ●/Back ●
      Cov lus qhia kom tsis txhob fastening lub rooj zaum:
      ISO FIX tus me nyuam lub rooj interface:
      Tyre pressure monitoring device: ● Lub log tsheb siab tso saib
      Tsis siv neeg nres nres nres (ABS, thiab lwm yam):
      nres quab yuam faib
      (EBD / CBC, thiab lwm yam):
      pab nres
      (EBA / BAS / BA, thiab lwm yam):
      traction tswj
      (ASR/TCS/TRC, thiab lwm yam):
      tsheb stability tswj
      (ESP / DSC / VSC thiab lwm yam):
      Parallel kev pab:
      Lane Departure Warning System:
      Txoj Kev Pabcuam:
      Active braking/active kev ruaj ntseg system:
      Tsis siv neeg nres tsheb:
      Uphill pab:
      Central locking nyob rau hauv lub tsheb:
      remote key:
      Keyless start system:
      Keyless nkag system:
      Lub cev muaj nuj nqi / configuration
      Skylight hom: ● Kev qhib tsis tau panoramic hnub ci
      Lub cev muaj zog:
      Chaw taws teeb pib muaj nuj nqi:
      Nyob rau hauv-Car Features/Configuration
      Steering log khoom: ● tawv tawv
      Steering wheel position adjustment: ● nce thiab nqis
      ● ua ntej thiab tom qab
      Hluav taws xob lub kauj log hloov:
      Multifunction kauj log:
      Steering log cua sov:
      Steering wheel memory:
      Pem hauv ntej / nram qab chaw nres tsheb sensor: Pem hauv ntej ●/Back ●
      Video pab tsav tsheb: ● Rov qab duab
      Cruise system: ● Puv ceev adaptive cruise
      ● Pab tsav tsheb theem L2
      Tsav tsheb switching: ● Txheem / Kev nplij siab
      ● daus
      ● kev lag luam
      Kev ywj pheej fais fab interface hauv lub tsheb: ● 12V
      Trip Computer Display:
      zaum configuration
      Cov khoom siv zaum: ● imitation tawv
      Tsav tsheb lub rooj hloov kev taw qhia: ● Kev hloov kho pem hauv ntej thiab nram qab
      ● Backrest hloov kho
      ● kho qhov siab
      ● Txhawb nqa lub lumbar
      Kho kev taw qhia ntawm cov neeg caij npav: ● Kev hloov kho pem hauv ntej thiab nram qab
      ● Backrest hloov kho
      ● kho qhov siab
      Main/passenger seat electric adjustment: Main ●/Vice ●
      Pem hauv ntej lub rooj muaj nuj nqi: ● Cua sov
      Electric Seat Memory: ● Lub rooj tsav tsheb
      Qhov thib ob kab rooj hloov kev taw qhia: ● Backrest hloov kho
      Lub rooj zaum thib ob ua haujlwm: ● Cua sov
      Lub rooj zaum thib peb: tsis muaj
      Yuav ua li cas folding lub rooj zaum nram qab: ● Tau scaled down
      Pem hauv ntej / nram qab nruab nrab armrest: Pem hauv ntej ●/Back ●
      Tom qab lub khob yas dhos:
      multimedia configuration
      GPS navigation system:
      Navigation traffic information display:
      Center console LCD npo: ● Kov LCD npo
      Center console LCD npo loj: ● 15 nti
      Bluetooth / Tsheb Xov Tooj:
      Kev sib txuas hauv xov tooj ntawm tes / daim ntawv qhia: ● Hloov kho OTA
      tswj lub suab: ● Muaj peev xwm tswj tau qhov system multimedia
      ● Tswj navigation
      ● tuaj yeem tswj lub xov tooj
      ● Tswj tau lub tshuab cua txias
      Internet ntawm Tsheb:
      Sab nraud audio interface: ● USB
      ● Hom-C
      USB / Hom-C interface: ● 3 nyob rau hauv kab pem hauv ntej / 2 nyob rau hauv kab rov qab
      Tus naj npawb ntawm cov neeg hais lus (units): ● 14 tus hais lus
      teeb pom kev zoo
      Low beam light source: ● LEDs
      High beam teeb qhov chaw: ● LEDs
      Daytime Runlights:
      Adaptive deb thiab ze lub teeb:
      Headlights tig rau thiab tawm tsis siv neeg:
      Pem hauv ntej fog teeb: ● LEDs
      Headlight qhov siab adjustable:
      Ambient teeb pom kev zoo hauv lub tsheb: ● monochrome
      Qhov rai thiab iav
      Pem hauv ntej / nram qab hluav taws xob qhov rais: Pem hauv ntej ●/Back ●
      Qhov rai ib-khawm nqa nqa muaj nuj nqi: ● Tsheb puv
      Qhov rai anti-pinch muaj nuj nqi:
      UV-resistant / insulated iav:
      Multi-layer soundproof iav: ● Tsheb puv
      Sab nrauv daim iav muaj nuj nqi: ● Kev kho hluav taws xob
      ● Fais folding
      ● Daim iav cua sov
      ● Daim iav nco
      ● Tsis siv neeg tiv thaiv glare
      ● Tsis siv neeg downturn thaum thim rov qab
      ● Tsis siv neeg folding thaum xauv lub tsheb
      Sab hauv rearview daim iav muaj nuj nqi: ● Tsis siv neeg tiv thaiv glare
      Sab nraum zoov ntiag tug iav:
      Sab hauv vanity mirror: ● Main tsav tsheb txoj hauj lwm + teeb
      ● Lub rooj zaum neeg nrog caij + teeb
      Pem hauv ntej sensor wiper:
      cua txias / tub yees
      Cua txias txias txoj kev tswj: ● tsis siv neeg cua txias
      Kev tswj qhov kub thiab txias:
      Lub qhov hluav taws xob nram qab:
      Tsheb cua purifier:
      PM2.5 lim los yog pollen lim:
        ■ Luminescent Silver
      ■ dej hiav txwv tob
      ■ dub
      ■ Suav liab
      Muaj cov xim sab hauv dub dawb
      ■ dub